home early from work

Posted on: 09/22/2024 at 12:22pm

had to call out of work early today u_u this morning was just really terrible. i had to rush to get any food in my stomach because i can't eat basically anything in the mornings, had to run to the car because what i was trying to make took longer than i had, only to get smacked with incredibly awful nausea to the point to where i had to crouch on the ground in the breakroom and close my eyes to try and actually get myself together


finally home from work holy fuck

Posted on: 09/21/2024 at 5:44pm

CHRIST today was fucking nightmarish. i felt sick like all fucking day but i couldn't leave early or call out bcause 70 other people had already called out =_=

at least we finally got approved for an apartment and signed the lease. i'm excited to finally live on our own but i'm also kind of scared because i don't know how i'm going to handle having to save more money. it's not like i'm severely lacking rn but it's a week til i get paid again so i'll just have to see how much i have left by then and go from there. it would be nice if any other job hired me but what can you fucking do

Posted on: 09/20/2024 at 11:51pm

OKAY i think this is where i'd like it to be tonight. perhaps i'll add more fun pages at a later date but for now this rules :) yippee yay yippee

Posted on: 09/20/2024 at 11:16pm

at first i was like "oh this is gonna be tough because i like to make just random nonsense posts and this format seems like it's better for longform stuff" but also. it's my fucking site. i can do whatever i want babes

first post babey

Posted on: 09/20/2024 at 10:29

oh christ i'm gonna have to figure out how to use paginaton eventually. unless i just want the page to go forever. that's something i'm allowed to do, legally